Invited talks

9.     Stumpp, M. (2022) - Energetics of marine animals: a key mechanism underlying sensitivity to ocean extremes, Online-Invitation, CAU/GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 24.02.2022

8.     Stumpp, M. (2021) - Zooplankton Energetics: the physiology underlying sensitivity towards climate change, Online-Invitation, Hamburg University, Germany, 17.12.2021

7.     Stumpp, M. (2021) - Energetics of marine larvae OR Who am I? And if so, how many?, Online-Symposium: Future ocean postdoc event, Kiel, Germany, 3.12..2021

6.     Stumpp, M. (2021) - Energetics of marine zooplankton: from function to climate change resilience, Online-Symposium: Future Trends and Hot Topics in Zooplankton Research, Bremen, Germany, 11.-13.10.2021

5.     Stumpp, M. (2018 - plenary talk) Balance between gut microbes and digestive tract development in two echinoderm larvae, Development of the sea urchin XXV, Woods Hole, USA, 17.-22.10.2018

4.     Stumpp, M. (2017 – showcasing session) Climate Change: a global challenge for marine life, Taiwan-German Science Day for 20th Anniversary of German-Taiwan Science collaboration by DAAD & MOST, 11.12.2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.

3.     Stumpp, M. (2017 – keynote speaker) Digestion at pH 10: Eco-Devo of alkaline digestive systems in basal deuterostome larvae, SEB Meeting 3-6.07.2017 in Göteborg, Sweden.

2.     Stumpp, M. (2017 – plenary talk) The alkaline larval gut – a key trait under environmental change, Development of the sea urchin XXIV, Woods Hole, USA, 05.-09.04.2017

1.     Stumpp, M. (2014) Host-microbe interactions of sea urchin populations in a changing ocean, “The Future Ocean” Cluster Symposium 05-06.05.2014 in Kiel, Germany

Conference talks (2007 – without invited)


Stumpp, M. (2022) - Alkaline guts contribute to immunity during exposure to acidified seawater in the sea urchin larva, Jahrestagung Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, Bonn, Germany, 13-16.09.2022

Stumpp, M. (2018) Biology and Ecology of Decapods, Animal Welfare and Laboratory Animals Course, 08.02.2018, MPI Plön, Germany.

Stumpp, M. (2017) The alkaline larval echinoderm gut, Physiomar17, 18.-21.09.17, Cambridge, UK.

Stumpp, M. (2015) Gastric alkalization in basal deuterostomes: mechanisms, evolution and ecological relevance. Society of Experimental Biology Meeting, Prague, 30.06.2015

Stumpp, M. (2014) Deuterostome origin of gastric pH. Development of the sea urchin XXII, Woods Hole, USA, 23.-27.04.2014

Stumpp, M. (2012) pH regulatory abilities in sea urchin larvae: implications for limited growth under seawater acidification. CeMEB (Centre of Marine Evolutionary Biology) Meeting, Kristineberg, Sweden, 10.-12.04.2012

Stumpp, M.; Hu, M.Y.; Gutowska, M.; Melzner, F.; Bleich, M.; (2011) Acid-base regulation in echinopluteus exposed to CO2 induced seawater acidification. Marine Ecology Meeting, Kristineberg, Sweden, 17.-18.10.2011.

Stumpp, M.; Hu, M.Y.; Gutowska, M.; Melzner, F.; Bleich, M.; (2011) pH regulation in sea urchin larvae during environmental hypercapnia. Ion-Regulation Mini Symposium, Bremen, Germany 28.09.2011

Stumpp et al (2010) Impact of ocean acidification on larval sea urchin pH homoestasis and metabolism. BIOACID/EPOCA/UKOARP Meeting, Bremerhaven, Germany, 27.-30.09.2010

Stumpp, M. (2010) Sensitivity of sea urchin larval development to ocean acidification. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 03.09.2010

Stumpp, M.; Liu, H-C.; Hagen, W.; Redecke, L.; Linton, S.; Saborowski, R. (2007): Cellulose digestion in terrestrial and marine decapods from Taiwan; The Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Symposium. December 2007, Perth, Australia

Stumpp, M.; Saborowski, R. (2007): Enzyme aus Meeresorganismen für pharmakologische Anwendungen (Enzymes from marine organisms as pharmacological application); Workshop Mechanismen der Zell- und Gewebeschädigung; Xanten, Germany